Gorete's delicious Portuguese spiced rice recipe (receita de arroz temperado), is easy to prepare.Views: 2022930
Learn how to make this amazing Portuguese flame grilled chouriço (chouriço a bombeiro), it is delicious and quick.Views: 8579415
Traditional and tasty Portuguese tomato rice (arroz de tomate), a flavorful garlic, onions, and spices, side or main course.Views: 6591140
Learn how to make this tasty Portuguese roasted potatoes with chouriço side dish..Views: 262737105
Learn how to make Portuguese spicy clams with chouriço and tomatoes.Views: 26357175
How to make delicious sauteed paprika and garlic potatoes (Batatas Salteadas).Views: 6625635
Learn how to make this delicious Portuguese cod and garlic rice (arroz de bacalhau).Views: 5070930
You can eat this delicious Portuguese cebolada (onion sauce), over fish, potatoes or on a bun.Views: 16053415
Portuguese fried yams (inhames fritos), are crispy, golden yams fried to perfection, offering a savory and satisfying snack or...Views: 17835110
How to make this yummy Portuguese roasted potatoes with olives (batatas deliciosas assadas com azeitonas)Views: 2982370
Enjoy the vibrant flavors of Nando's Portuguese rice (arroz do Nandos), a spicy, aromatic dish with a perfect blend of herbs and...Views: 2606730
Portuguese piri piri potatoes with spicy dip (batatas com molho de piri piri), fried potatoes tossed in a flavorful piri piri...Views: 10365535
These tasty scalloped potatoes with peppers (batatas gratinadas), will make the perfect side dish for fish, meats, poultry, or as...Views: 4205245
This is a simply delicious Portuguese tomato rice (receita de arroz malandro), but you can use it as a base for fish rice, spare...Views: 7964245
Absolutely delicious Portuguese cod rice recipe (receita de arroz de bacalhau delicioso), you will love this dish.Views: 1970735
Traditional Madeiran fried cornmeal (farinha de milho frita), is a deep fried cornmeal treat filled with kale, collard greens and...Views: 134248175
This incredible Portuguese Parisienne potatoes recipe, creates these great tasting and flavorful potatoes we love so much as a...Views: 44642975
These crispy Portuguese roasted potatoes, have garlic, and wine combined with the olive oil that creates a beautifully flavored...Views: 57321105
These delicious fried potatoes rounds with parsley, are the perfect side to serve with your favorite food, enjoy.Views: 3215425
Portuguese pickled onions (cebolas cortidas), are one of the most unique Portuguese foods, you can enjoy them as a snack or as a...Views: 7038435
This Portuguese potato salad (salada de batata), is great during the summer or even winter and it never gets old, a must have for...Views: 4603740
Amazing Portuguese Braga style rice (arroz à moda de Braga), a rice cooked with ham, sausage, chicken thighs, red bell pepper, and...Views: 24472110
This quick and easy Portuguese piri piri sauce is comparable to Nando's, the flavor is all there, it's not as hot, but it still...Views: 1176565
A delicious Portuguese spicy rice cooked to perfection in the instant pot and served with the piri piri chicken of your choice.Views: 2518715
Baked sweet potatoes (batata doce assada), are not only delicious, they are also very beneficial to our health and make a great side.Views: 1558240
This delicious and quick Portuguese kale rice recipe (receita de arroz de couve saboroso), is great with fried fish (stingray,...Views: 2983735
This recipe for easy roasted bacon and potatoes with garlic, is simple easy to follow and the results are amazing.Views: 1121940
Portuguese tomato jam (doce de tomate), tomatoes are the perfect candidates for the end of summer jam and this Portuguese tomato...Views: 43342150
This simple Portuguese garlic roasted potatoes (batatas assadas a murro com alho e tomilho), is delicious and never fails.Views: 6899455
These yummy garlic fried potatoes with rosemary (batatinhas fritas com alho e alecrim), make the perfect side dish.Views: 2584440