Discover how to make Portuguese roast lamb (cordeiro assado), with this flavorful recipe, featuring aromatic herbs and spices for...Views: 3058975
A quick and simple recipe for roasted Portuguese quail (codorniz Assada).Views: 1972530
Portuguese roasted turkey (peru assado), a flavorful recipe, featuring aromatic herbs and spices for a tender, a delicious dish.Views: 46855175
Traditional Portuguese oven roasted quail, has a unique and flavorful taste, and simple and easy to make and combined with some...Views: 2576050
This turkey gizzards (moelas de peru), with beer recipe is delicious, serve it with rice or with fresh crusty bread.Views: 1901375
Many people love this Portuguese style snails with a rich broth (caracóis com caldo), the broth is also great to mop up with some...Views: 2749540
This truly delicious rosemary roasted turkey, will smell amazing and taste great as well.Views: 1043175
Portuguese ground hot red pepper sauce (pimenta moída), is used throughout Portugal, although it is most typically seen in the...Views: 9184420
Creamy and popular bechamel sauce (molho de béchamel), is often used in Portuguese dishes, and it is a good base for sauces.Views: 2150220
Simple way to caramelize a pudding pan, it makes a huge difference, caramelizing a pan is a basic thing for those who, for...Views: 1146515
Serve this delicious fried orange and honey duck (pato com laranja e mel), with some slices of orange and white rice.Views: 1052050
This very tasty Portuguese turkey steaks recipe (receita de bifes de peru), is so easy to prepare. Serve with white rice or a good...Views: 1450760
This is a version of the classic and fragrant Portuguese duck rice (arroz de pato classico e fragrante), with a fatty poaching...Views: 11086120
Serve this spicy Portuguese fried rabbit (coelho frito), with a salad and fries.Views: 10364165
This carrot syrup for cough flu and colds recipe (receita de xarope de cenoura para tosse, gripe e resfriado), only takes a few...Views: 4377410
Serve this delicious Portuguese stewed rabbit (coelho guisado), with mashed potatoes or white rice.Views: 1835985
This recipe for quick and delicious caramelized pears (peras caramelizadas), is very easy, quick and makes a great dessert.Views: 810920
These Portuguese fried peixinhos da horta (fried green beans), are a centuries old dish with tons of history that are easy to make...Views: 1841135
Learn how to make your own easy homemade sazon seasoning mix, and the best part is, there's no MSG.Views: 115805
Portuguese chimichurri sauce (molho cru), has been used in Portuguese cuisine for many centuries, specifically on fish and meats.Views: 21185130
Gorete's yummy Hungarian creamed spinach recipe, is delicious served with potato pancakes and veal schnitzel.Views: 555625
These simply delicious Azorean bolas Africanas (cocoa and coconut balls), are simple to make and a traditional sweet in the island...Views: 2647945
My mom Lidia's pickled cauliflower recipe (couve-flor cortida), is as easy as it gets and it makes a great side with fish or...Views: 865520
This Portuguese roasted rabbit with potatoes recipe (receita de coelho assado com batatas), is ready in about 1 hour, ideal for...Views: 1459160
This red pepper paste (massa de pimentão), is a classic Portuguese red pepper paste that is often used to season just about...Views: 13352150
Paula's Portuguese garlic dip for fritters, is not only delicious, but also very quick and easy to make.Views: 612510
This simple Portuguese roasted lamb with potatoes recipe (receita de borrego assado com batatas), is easy to make and delicious.Views: 1908150
Hayley's delicious crispy fried onion rings recipe, if you have a craving for onion rings, try this recipe first and don't spend...Views: 131235
How to keep garlic fresh all year round, this garlic has a pungent aroma, firm cloves, and offers bold flavor, ideal for cooking...Views: 368080