Posted on Friday, November 11, 2016 in Salad Recipes

Yum Black Eyed Peas and Octopus Salad

This yum black eyed peas and octopus salad recipe, makes a great autumn salad and is one of the easiest meals to prepare.
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Yum Black Eyed Peas and Octopus Salad

Preparation time 15 min
Cooking Timen/a
Ready In 15 min
Level of DifficultyVery Easy


2 cans of octopus in oil1/2 onion1/2 yellow or red bell pepper2 cans of black eyed peas2 tablespoons of red wine vinegarExtra virgin olive oil (to taste)Fresh black pepper (to taste)Coarse salt (to taste)Fresh parsley (to taste)
2 cans of octopus in oil1/2 onion1/2 yellow or red bell pepper2 cans of black eyed peas2 tablespoons of red wine vinegarExtra virgin olive oil (to taste)Fresh black pepper (to taste)Coarse salt (to taste)Fresh parsley (to taste)
Get Portuguese ingredients


  1. Mince the onion, chop the bell pepper and set aside.
  2. Run the beans through cold water, drain, and place them in a large bowl.
  3. Drain the vegetable oil from the canned octopus and add the octopus to the bowl with the beans.
  4. Add the onion, the bell pepper and mix.
  5. Add 3 tablespoons of red wine vinegar and cover with a generous amount of olive oil, about 6 tablespoons.
  6. Mix it all up, season with salt, pepper and chopped parsley.
Recipe & Photo Credit:

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