Posted on Sunday, July 29, 2018 in Seafood Recipes

Portuguese Baked Cod with Olive Oil

Try this delcicious Portuguese baked cod with olive oil and corn bread (bacalhau com azeite e broa) and you will cry for more.
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Portuguese Baked Cod with Olive Oil

Preparation time 10 min
Cooking Time 40 min
Ready In 50 min
Level of DifficultyEasy


1 cod loinSpinach (to taste)Potatoes (to taste)Corn bread (to taste)Garlic powder (to taste)Olive oil (to taste)Salt (to taste)Pepper (to taste)
1 cod loinSpinach (to taste)Potatoes (to taste)Corn bread (to taste)Garlic powder (to taste)Olive oil (to taste)Salt (to taste)Pepper (to taste)
Get Portuguese ingredients


  1. Cook the spinach in salted water, drain and season with pepper.
  2. Lightly cook the codfish and potatoes in water.
  3. In a bowl add some crumbs from the cornbread, add olive oil, garlic, and mix to make a paste.
  4. On a baking tray, add the spinach and the cod on top, add the potatoes around it and crush them slightly.
  5. Drizzle everything with olive oil and spread the corn bread paste you made earlier on the cod.
  6. Bake at 180ºC or 350ºF until golden brown (about 20 minutes).
Recipe & Photo Credit:
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