Posted on Sunday, July 15, 2018 in Bread Recipes

Portuguese Chouriço Stuffed Bread

This Portuguese chouriço sausage stuffed bread recipe (pão recheado com chouriço) is very easy and quick to make and it tastes delicious, serve warm.
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Portuguese Chouriço Stuffed Bread

Preparation time 10 min
Cooking Time 10 min
Ready In 20 min
Level of DifficultyVery Easy


1 Portuguese crusty breadMozzarella cheese (to taste), gratedChouriço sausage (to taste), precooked and dicedOregano (to taste)
1 Portuguese crusty breadMozzarella cheese (to taste), gratedChouriço sausage (to taste), precooked and dicedOregano (to taste)
Get Portuguese ingredients


  1. Make deep cuts on the bread from side to side and then stuff it with the ingredients (to taste).
  2. Bake for about 10 minutes at 200ºC or 400ºF.
  3. If the cheese doesn't melt completely, leave it in the oven a little longer.
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Portuguese Chouriço (Sausage) Bread
Portuguese Chouriço (Sausage) Bread

This Portuguese chouriço (sausage) bread recipe is simple to make and delicious.

Level of DifficultyEasy
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Mary-Ellen Simas
Mary-Ellen Simas
This looks so good that I am drooling! Definitely going to try this one soon. I love all of your recipes! Thank you!
3 Years ago, Sunday, April 24, 2022
Madeline Dupre
Madeline Dupre
This looks awesome and can't wait to try it. Look forward to all your recipes every day-keep them coming!
3 Years ago, Sunday, February 13, 2022
Thank you Madeline, enjoy.
3 Years ago, Sunday, February 13, 2022

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