Posted on Thursday, April 7, 2016 in Chicken Recipes

Delicious Portuguese Duck with Chestnuts Recipe

Learn how to make this delicious Portuguese duck with chestnuts (pato com castanhas).
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Delicious Portuguese Duck with Chestnuts Recipe

Preparation time 5 min
Cooking Time 35 min
Ready In 40 min
Level of DifficultyEasy


1 whole duck (sliced duck breast may also be used as a substitute)2 pounds potatoes, peeled2 cups pre-roasted chestnuts, shell removed1/2 cup olive oil2 onions, chopped4 garlic cloves2 cups mushrooms, sliced1 cup white wineJuice of one orange1 dozen dry prunes2 carrots, sliced2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauceRosemary to garnishSalt to taste
1 whole duck (sliced duck breast may also be used as a substitute)2 pounds potatoes, peeled2 cups pre-roasted chestnuts, shell removed1/2 cup olive oil2 onions, chopped4 garlic cloves2 cups mushrooms, sliced1 cup white wineJuice of one orange1 dozen dry prunes2 carrots, sliced2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauceRosemary to garnishSalt to taste
Get Portuguese ingredients


  1. Sear the duck on both sides in a large frying pan on medium high heat with 1/2 cup olive oil.
  2. Remove the duck and in the same frying pan sauté the garlic, onions and mushrooms until golden.
  3. Add the wine, Worcestershire sauce and the juice from the orange. Let it boil for one minute while stirring then turn off the heat.
  4. Boil the potatoes for about 20 minutes.
  5. In a baking dish place the duck, potatoes, chestnuts, sliced carrots, and sauce from the pan.
  6. Bake for 1 hour at 350 degrees fahrenheit until the duck is well cooked and tender.
  7. Add prunes and bake for another 15 minutes.
  8. Remove from the oven and let cool for 5 to 10 minutes. Before serving decorate with the rosemary.

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